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20 best Drawing wallpapers HD, best drawing wallpapers 2019-2020

Drawing wallpapers HD Here are some best drawing wallpapers that you can download.

Elephant realistic pencil drawing

Elephant realistic pencil drawing Here I will explain you how you can draw a realistic drawing of elephants very easily. Checkout this video.... First of all lets talk about the materials I have used in this drawing. I have used very basic pencils and erasers. For pencils I have used graphite pencils, such as hb, 2b, 4b, 6b and 10b. I like to use mechanical pencils very much.. So, here also I have used mechanical pencils( 0.5mm) with 2b lead in it, and 0.9mm also. To make it look more realistic you have to erase for fine textures. I have done the same. For erasing I've used kneaded eraser, for fine lines and standard eraser for larger areas. I have used some smooth paper to have a fine texture in it. I have used smooth thik (150gsm) cartreez sheet. Because I feel like I am comfortable with it. And now lets talk about the blending part. For blending I have used cottons ( for larger areas)  and blending stumps ( for smaller areas). *In this type of drawing y...

Realistic portrait drawing

           Realistic drawing portrait   In this blog I will share with you how to get a realistic effect portrait.  . So first of all the most important thing is that you will need patience, dedication and hard work. Here is my video where I have drawn a realistic portrait.... Check this out. Here I have used these materials... Pencils: I have used 4b 6b 8b 10b and also have used charcoal pencils. Eraser: I have used kneaded eraser and a standard eraser for this drawing. Paper: I have used ivory sheet for this drawing.. For more videos check out my youtube channel and subscribe it. 

Monogram Logo Design | What is Monogram Logo Design | How to create a Monogram Logo

Monogram Logo Design | What is Monogram Logo Design | How to create a Monogram Logo What is Monogram Logo Design? A monogram logo is a decorative design that contains one to three letters,so you can also call it as a two letter logo or three letter logo . Monogram logo s are usually used to represent the initials of personal or bussiness. Monograms square measure one amongst the oldest types of identification, with the earliest use by the traditional Greeks on coins to represent completely different cities. Throughout history, monograms were typically employed by painters on their design , likewise as by royal families World Health Organization relied on them for distinction (often to declare property) and for wedding invites . When to settle on a symbol emblem for your business When planning an emblem, you wish one thing that’ll resonate together with your audience whereas establishing your brand’s essence (the emotions you wish individuals to t...