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Showing posts with the label fine art

20 best Drawing wallpapers HD, best drawing wallpapers 2019-2020

Drawing wallpapers HD Here are some best drawing wallpapers that you can download.

Elephant realistic pencil drawing

Elephant realistic pencil drawing Here I will explain you how you can draw a realistic drawing of elephants very easily. Checkout this video.... First of all lets talk about the materials I have used in this drawing. I have used very basic pencils and erasers. For pencils I have used graphite pencils, such as hb, 2b, 4b, 6b and 10b. I like to use mechanical pencils very much.. So, here also I have used mechanical pencils( 0.5mm) with 2b lead in it, and 0.9mm also. To make it look more realistic you have to erase for fine textures. I have done the same. For erasing I've used kneaded eraser, for fine lines and standard eraser for larger areas. I have used some smooth paper to have a fine texture in it. I have used smooth thik (150gsm) cartreez sheet. Because I feel like I am comfortable with it. And now lets talk about the blending part. For blending I have used cottons ( for larger areas)  and blending stumps ( for smaller areas). *In this type of drawing y...

Realistic portrait drawing

           Realistic drawing portrait   In this blog I will share with you how to get a realistic effect portrait.  . So first of all the most important thing is that you will need patience, dedication and hard work. Here is my video where I have drawn a realistic portrait.... Check this out. Here I have used these materials... Pencils: I have used 4b 6b 8b 10b and also have used charcoal pencils. Eraser: I have used kneaded eraser and a standard eraser for this drawing. Paper: I have used ivory sheet for this drawing.. For more videos check out my youtube channel and subscribe it. 

How to do Hyper realistic drawing (pencil)

How to do Hyper realistic drawing Introduction :  A painting that looks so realistic as a photograph that is usually called a photo realistic drawing or a hyper realistic drawing.It is noting but a skill of an artist.Anyone can do this if he/she has a great knowledge of realism. This process has been done from the ancient time. Famous ancient artists used to do this kind of paintings using oil mediums.But now a days modern artists used to do this paintings using the colour pencils and charcoals. Hyper-realistic drawings: Process:  The process fro hyper realistic painting is very simple. There are some factors about which you have to think before drawing.The major things are - -dimension -layer process -light and shadows -movements -structures -highlights -darkness Tips: The darkness and the highlights are a great thing to achieve a hyper realism.The more dark shades in painting the more it will look realistic. If you a...

Top ten ART subjects that sells the most.

                                          Top ten ART subjects that sells the most:- Today the art industry is making billions of dollars.This industry is getting higher every day.People are attracted with these fab master pieces.Artists are inventing new and awesome ways to create new art forms.The art supplier companies are getting larger.People of different countries love to buy new types of paintings to decorate their homes and also for their hobbies.The number of art collectors are increasing day by day. There are a lot of art forms which is getting popular now a days.It could be some traditional drawing stuffs or may be like abstract or hyper realistic.It could be anything else. Here I will discuss with you top 10 trending subjects that people buy the most. TOP 10 SELLING THEMES:-  1.Abstracts.  2.Traditional landscapes  3.Modern or se...

Blending techniques for acrylic painting.

Blending techniques for  acrylic painting.   Blending is a very important thing for any medium.For different mediums blending techniques are different.The blending technique for oil paint is much more easier than acrylic paint.Both of these mediums are OPEC colours. There are many ways to blend an acrylic colour. So let's start.. Very firstly, you can do a oil-like-blending.            Here you can blend acrylic paint as you do so with the oil paint .Means you can blend with a patchy technique.First add a thick layer then add the light layer and blend them with a clean brush.The process will be same but all you have to do is, you have to do this blending process as faster as you can because this medium dries very quickly.   Next, you can apply a glazing liquid . This liquid works as a, you First dip the brush on that liquid and simply add to your paint.It will make it thin and it will be easy t...

Oil Painting tips for beginners.

Oil Painting is a very popular medium today.It is very fun to draw with this medium.As it takes a lot of time to dry so can easily do realistic and awesome paintings .  I actually started with acrylic but then after several months I started oil painting.And honestly I become able to paint authentic art pieces. If you know the techniques of oil painting then you will have fun to do it. Acrylic painting and oil painting both of these mediums are very confusing for beginners. Here are some top tips for oil painting that will be helpful for beginners. Oil Painting tips for beginners:- *FIRST TIP: -                          Application of fat layers on painting                      This process is a very useful technique for beginners. What you will have to do is to apply a fat tone of colour on a thin layer.That means firstly apply a thin ...

Water colour painting tips and tricks.

                            Water Colour Painting Tips and Tricks: If any one ask me to give some tips and tricks for water colour painting then I'll give them these tips. For painting the things that you will need, means the common things are,---- A block of Arches cold press watercolor paper (140lb, size 16″ x 12″) Painting palette for watercolor paints 2 containers of water Paper towels or a rag Rubber cement pick-up (2″ x 2″) or a normal eraser so these are the common things that you basically use for your water colour painting. But here I am giving some extra things that will help you to create new and extra ordinary art piece. Spray bottle with clean water Salt Alcohol (90%+ isopropyl alcohol) so you might be thinking that what is the use of these materials on water colour. Let's find out....... If you apply salt on water colour painting then it will a...

How to do realistic drawing using charcoal pencils.

It is very easy to draw with charcoal pencils.But when it comes to make that painting realistic or hyper-realistic then we start thinking about that, "How do I make my painting look photo realistic" There is only one solution of that.That is to gain a proper knowledge about charcoal painting. Today I will share with you some of my experience that I have gained from my previous 10 years. So let's start............ First of all you have to have a proper knowledge about light and shadow.It is the key skill that you have to learn to draw realistic paintings using any medium.For that you have to observe nature. Its quiet easy. Nature is the real teacher for any artist.What you have to do is, just look at a tree in the sunlight, and imagine and also try to think the light and shadow effect on it.Then draw that tree and put light and shadow to it with all your knowledge.By practising this you will be able to get a clear scene about light shading. Next come to perspective...