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Oil Painting tips for beginners.

oil painting,painting,oil painting tutorial,oil painting tutorial for beginners,oil paint,oil painting process,oil painting for beginners,oil paintings

Oil Painting is a very popular medium today.It is very fun to draw with this medium.As it takes a lot of time to dry so can easily do realistic and awesome paintings.
 I actually started with acrylic but then after several months I started oil painting.And honestly I become able to paint authentic art pieces.
If you know the techniques of oil painting then you will have fun to do it.
Acrylic painting and oil painting both of these mediums are very confusing for beginners.
Here are some top tips for oil painting that will be helpful for beginners.

Oil Painting tips for beginners:-

*FIRST TIP:-                         Application of fat layers on painting

                     This process is a very useful technique for beginners. What you will have to do is to apply a fat tone of colour on a thin layer.That means firstly apply a thin coating on canvas then apply thick colours.So the fat layer will take time to dry.And in this process you can also increase the knowledge of blending process.

*SECOND TIP:-                    Preparation of canvas

                         This is actually a very common thing,but a important step.Preparing a canvas properly is very important.
After getting the canvas prepared apply one coating of primer with raw umber.This will give a realistic texture in painting. It will help you to develop a proper skin texture.
Now your canvas is ready for use.You can now do sketch on it.

* THIRD TIP:-                     Firstly application of less colours

                    If you full fill your palette with all the colours then it will not help you to paint well.It will distract you and confuse you. Minimum amount of colours will be enough.If you pick four colours and mix them with each other then it will increase your knowledge about colour mixing.
Suppose you want to make flesh colour so you will need only four colours, cadmium red, yellow occur, ultramarine blue and white that's all you will need.With these four colours you will be able to make any skin tone.

 *FOURTH TIP:-                  Choosing brush

                You should always use a big size brush.It will help you to 
                                                        -paint a larger area in less time
                                                        -make you comfortable while painting
                                                        -increase your stability.

*FIFTH TIP:-                       Use your palette knives to your painting

              You should use your spatula on you canvas. It is not for only mixing colours but to apply those on canvas. And trust me this will give a nice texture to your drawing.

*SIXTH TIP:-                       Blending

        This is actually a vast topic.It is a very important thing to learn.With blending well you will be able to show a blury effect and you can push things backwards.For details you can blend or leave applying thick colour,depends on the theme.

Final word:- I hope this article was helpful for you to know about oil painting tips for beginners.


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