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All about perspective.Very easy to learn.Step by step...

Hi guys,today I am back with another interesting topic that is about perspective.
Perspective is very important topic to learn.It is the most important thing to know about for realism.
So let's start......
First of all let me give you a clear scene about "What is perspective?".....In simple statement, we  see a person who is in front of us bigger than the person who stands far away from me..This is actually called perspective..
OK, let's see if we draw a figure then what will be the proportions.

here as you can see , I have given a male figure proportion..
Image result for male figure proportionsImage result for male figure proportions This image actually gives a sense of  perspective.It describes that the size of things get smaller with the increase of distance.

Here I am giving some images that will make it easy to learn.
Image result for perspectiveImage result for perspective
With the help of perspective you can also make 3d paintings,with using point perspective.
Now you might be thinking what is point perspective.
So here it is,......
There are two points means two axis, the X axis and the Y axis.These two axis determines the length and height of a thing.Using these two axis we can draw 2d paintings .For doing 3d paintings which will look more realistic, you will have to add one more axis, the Z axis.It determines the width of that object.
Image result for point perspectiveImage result for 1 2 3 point perspective

Hope you all get what I am trying to make you understand.

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