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Blending techniques for acrylic painting.

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Blending techniques for  acrylic painting. 

Blending is a very important thing for any medium.For different mediums blending techniques are different.The blending technique for oil paint is much more easier than acrylic paint.Both of these mediums are OPEC colours.
There are many ways to blend an acrylic colour.
So let's start..

Very firstly, you can do a oil-like-blending.

           Here you can blend acrylic paint as you do so with the oil paint.Means you can blend with a patchy technique.First add a thick layer then add the light layer and blend them with a clean brush.The process will be same but all you have to do is, you have to do this blending process as faster as you can because this medium dries very quickly.


Next, you can apply a glazing liquid. This liquid works as a, you First dip the brush on that liquid and simply add to your paint.It will make it thin and it will be easy to apply that on your painting.
Dip your clear brush on that glazing liquid and simply blend colours.

For more details and more information about blending check out the video .

That's all guys.Just keep practising and keep inventing new things of art.

Final word:- I hope this article was helpful for you to know about the Blending techniques for acrylic painting.


  1. Thanks for proper step wise step Blending techniques for acrylic painting steps.
    This is very helpful blog.

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  2. Thank you shubham rautela for this lovely comment.


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